watcha doin?
i'm kinda bored this whole month but i busy de december lo...
AISA CONFERENCE rocks.... althought i sick due to de air0con REALLY k?
this few days my eyes got sonething la very oain de nhui shan keep on ask me to see doctor den i o.o but nv see :p
but now better le hahas
wa!!! me and shi wei have to do something lo... later meeeting him to discuss...
hiaz... i'm at eliz house rotting sia
i miss FAITH!!!! OMGosh i forget which cell group she's in
i miss all de ppl in parade nation...
but got 2 ppl i miss de most..( cant say hahas) but got one is ELIZ!!! hahas
don't noe wad to do...
feel like update alot of things...
don't wad i thinkin sia
ytd around afternoon, i meet eliz to buy xin yi present.... de dress very nice men
after eliz come and house and jealous of my bed, eat alots of stuff, BREAD PUDDING!!!
OMGosh i dont know when it's cold it's nice!!! hahas
den we go my bed and sleep very tired la.. but we did nth i only noe eliz take alots of photo... -.-
i wan _____ and ________!!! hahas
candlelight service i hope it's fun hahas